Christmas! A season of sacrifice and love. Remember the Manger story we were told when we were kids; even now as adults, we get to hear it at church. How an Inn Keeper gave his Manger, a place where animals are kept for the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ – sacrifice.
Before Christ was born, we are told of how God needed someone to come into the world to purge it of sin and reconcile man with Him again. He did this by giving up his only begotten son – Sacrifice. There is also the story of Abraham and Isaac. We can go on and on with many examples.
But why all these? It is to draw your mind to the fact that as humans not all of us have the privilege of being with our families and loved ones. Not all of us get to share our memorable days with the people we love and care for.
There is a certain minority who are without people they can call their own, fall on in times of want, or share their joys with. Christmas beckons and these people are going to be alone and by themselves, as we get to share in the yuletide with our family. Have you stopped to think of how they feel during such times or what you can do to help make their a lovely one as such?
The true essence of humanity is when we offer a helping hand to the next person in need. Be a part of this life-changing moment by being a donor to this course.
Starlight Foundation is appealing to individuals, corporate institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, to sponsor or partner with us to bring some light into this dark of our less privileged siblings. Remember it could have been you! And I am because you are!!!
#StarlightFoundation #LetUsSaveTheWorldTogether #LetsFeedTheStreetTogether #MerryChristmas2020 #SupportUsToday #NGO #Kids #Children #SayNoToStreetism #Street-Connected-Children