At Starlight Foundation, our major aim in the course of representing street children is to make sure that hope is continually been preached. We hope that one day we will see the street child doing marvelous things in an environment befitting them. But until when will this hope be hanging, our talks on hope are falling on deaf ears, words cannot move unless we act it out.
Similarly, we’ve had enough motivational talks over every situation. It’s time we address the bad we have contributed to on our streets. The void of Streetism is what we see in the news every day, that space we’ve left to breed violence and inequality.
If it was left to us, we would have moved them to a better settlement however since it’s the responsibility of all that is why we seek collaborations. If the authorities are not awakened by the cry on the street, then we are. We are the ones that see them every day and feel the impact of their vices.
We can change this; we can fill this void by availing ourselves as an instrument of change. If we are all to behave as nothing bothers us, a future of regrets awaits us. When the right you’re supposed to do lies unattended, it becomes wrong.
#LetsTalkAboutThem #YENHOHIA #TheStreetMatters #RepresentationIsTheWay #WeMatterToo #StarlightFoundation #LetUsSaveTheWorldTogether