The reason why Starlight Foundation performs its yearly “LET Feed the Street Together” is not to give out our ‘tiny’ food and walk by the street in our dresses because it’s Christmas. This is a tradition we’ve put in place to unite as many people who want to impact the lives of the street-connected in every way yet are unable to do so all year. Note, it’s a yearly program and so all resources are pulled together to make it big, this is why it is together and not only us.
At Starlight Foundation we believe that everything we’ve been or ever achieved has been done through partnership. We pride ourselves on the numerous people who have been constantly on track with all our projects. This time we’re not only asking you to partner with us, we want to create a movement of intrigued members of society who have the motive of eradicating Streetism. We have the power to do that but we’ve told ourselves that it’s somebody’s job. We’ve seen the results of leaving the work for somebody. The number of street children has doubled up amid a global pandemic and the rate of violence is risky for nation-building.
Support us to make this year’s ‘Let Feed the Street Together, 2021’ not only an event but a platform where we connect with street children at an advanced level. Let’s create that rapport where we wouldn’t have to schedule events to be impactful. This year let your name be heard and felt in the lives of the street-connected children.
For Partnerships and Donations, kindly contact us on
0593535826 / 0549825160 / 0557476562
#StarlightFoundation #LetUsSaveTheWorldTogether #LetsFeedTheStreetTogether #MerryChristmas2021 #SupportUsToday #NGO #Kids #Children #SayNoToStreetism #StreetConnectedChildren