“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). The beauty of the day is not that it is new, but that we are being made new. The glory of the day is not that it marks a change, but that we are being changed.”
What kind of thanksgiving haven’t we rendered; it seems we keep on repeating ourselves. Well, it’s because you’ve kept being of immense support to us. We at Starlight Foundation together with all street-connected children who have benefited from this support would like to thank you once again for not making this just a dream but a reality. No words can express how we felt when you came on board.
Our next thanksgiving goes to our partner: Believe In What You Dream. These forms of collaboration assure us that there is hope for street-connected children. We want to save the world, but we want to do it together. Thus, our doors are opened to everyone who believes that one day our street would be cleaned of vulnerable children.
To our members and volunteers, what can we say to replenish your selfless act to Starlight Foundation? Such people are rare to come by, and we’re grateful to have them in our cycle.
To our media sponsor Original TV Gh, you have proven that the media’s prime objective is to serve society and represent their issues on all levels. Joining us this year makes our story more visible. People can see and relate to the lives of street-connected children.
May the good Lord bless us all and help us to be more impactful. Like we always say at Starlight Foundation, there’s a street-connected child next door, and you don’t have to wait for a year to reach out. Let’s spread the love, and let’s clear our street of Streetism.
#StarlightFoundation #LetUsSaveTheWorldTogether #LetsFeedTheStreetTogether #BelieveInWhatYouDream #MerryChristmas2022 #SupportUsToday #NGO #Kids #Children #SayNoToStreetism #StreetConnectedChildren