We have two kinds of street children: those on the street and those of the street. Poverty, homelessness, and misplacement cause some children to be on the street while others are there due to neglect and irresponsibility. The first responsibility of every child is his parents and family.
The children of the street are taking over the streets in an alarming manner. Before we start blaming anyone for this let’s begin checking our homes. We are abandoning our children to themselves too soon; small misunderstanding and we’re letting them go. They were given to us to shape several times before they are old enough to be on their own.
The punishment of sacking our children from home to teach them a lesson isn’t working. The street is not a place to be nurturing good manners. That’s why we say charity begins at home. Let’s bring them back home because that is where all the goodness lies. Whiles we are striving to get the children on the streets a better settlement, go for the child you’ve left wandering on the streets for long.
When we are ready to bring forth children, we should add all responsibilities to it. Nobody will be blamed for a wandering child and society won’t have to take the blame for something we are not responsible for. Take your responsibility well and let’s free the street of our children.
#LetsTalkAboutThem #YENHOHIA #TheStreetMatters #RepresentationIsTheWay #WeMatterToo #StarlightFoundation #LetUsSaveTheWorldTogether