For any social and economic development, adequate sanitation in conjunction with good hygiene and safe water are essential to good health. Lack of proper sanitation causes diseases and reduce the quality and function of life. Drinking water supply and sanitation sector is one of the key sectors in the country despite the number of challenges it faces which includes limited access to proper sanitation, limited access to safe drinking water in rural and some urban areas, high water losses and low water pressure. Improper sanitation has become a very serious problem which poses danger to the individuals, families, communities and the nation at large.
Poor sanitation has negative effects on the individual, environment and nation at large. One major negative effect of poor sanitation is its bad impact on health. Improper disposal of waste can greatly affect the health of the population living nearby the polluted areas or landfills. Waste disposal workers and other employees in these landfill facilities are at a greater risk. Exposure to improperly handled wastes can cause skin irritations, blood infectious, respiratory problems, growth problems, and even reproductive issues.
In order to improve sanitation, there is the need to educate the public on the need to maintain a sanitized environment. Educating individuals on proper sanitation will make them aware of some of the actions that involve improper waste disposal and its related activities. Organization of community clean up exercises has to do with community involvement.
There is no clear urban basic sanitation strategy and plan in Ghana. Various approaches and interventions in urban basic sanitation are not effectively coordinated and monitored. Unlike rural communities, social mobilization for sanitation and hygiene promotion in urban settlements is quite complicated due to its cosmopolitan and multi-cultural nature. However, sanitation is a social and public good whereby every citizen needs to participate in discussions and decisions that will benefit everybody.
Starlight Foundation “Our Sanitation, Our Health“ is an educational initiative which seek to sanitized individuals living in the slum areas within the Greater Accra Region on good sanitation and the negative effects of living in a filthy environment.
The Ghana Demographic and Health Survey reveals that while more than half of Ghanaian households have a designated place for washing hands, only about one household out of every five has water or other cleansing agents available at home. – UNICEF
The Goal of the initiative in to keep remaining people to stay healthy and educate them on the importance of keeping your environments clean.
Get Involved
Starlight Foundation is appealing to individuals, corporate institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and all Ghanaians to sponsor or partner with us to make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged ones who find themselves in such unfortunate circumstances.